The Movie, “Noah”

The Movie, “Noah”

“I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repented me that I have made them. But, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” (Genesis 6:7-8)

There’s a lot of hype and differences of opinions regarding the newly released movie, “Noah,” starring Russell Crowe and Anthony Hopkins. My husband and I went to see the movie on yesterday, so I got an opportunity to see the movie for myself and form my own opinions.

I can think of at least two to three different ways to approach this movie with an open mind. I can think of one very critical matter that shuts all the others completely down. I guess it would come down to one’s own preference, understanding, and interpretation of a “Hollywood” movie.

For me, the only real “Biblical Truths” in the movie are the names of the characters and the fact that God did send a Great Flood to destroy the Earth. And, I understand that the producers and directors went to a lot of extensive hard work building the Ark as it is described and measured in the Bible. Good job on that point. Everything beyond that point is man’s imaginations, myths, suspense, drama, and action. Yes; there is a lot of “action” in this movie!

The story line adds a lot of artistic expression when developing the characters of Noah, his wife, his three sons, the little girl they rescued who eventually grows up to become Shem’s wife after Methuselah (played by Anthony Hopkins) gives her his blessings to bear children, and Tubal-Cain who manages somehow to sneak his way onto the Ark without Noah finding out. But, after Noah does find out a fight to life-or-death ensues until Noah triumphs over the evil Tubal-Cain. Then, there is the even more controversial matter of Shem’s wife delivering a set of twins while on the Ark and Noah believing to be led of God attempts to “kill” them to stop the spread of evil that plagued the Earth to begin with.

In the movie, Noah believes both he and his family will “die” in the new world to appease God’s anger over sinful, wicked mankind. It’s only through Noah’s compassion for the tiny infants that he “decides” to NOT kill the babies and allow mankind to “repopulate” the earth after the flood….Interesting imaginations wouldn’t you say?

Those of us who are learned in the Word of God know that God, himself, spared Noah and his family’s lives (minus Tubal-Cain). The Bible teaches us that there were eight souls on board the Ark: Noah, his wife, Shem and his wife, Ham and his wife, and Japheth and his wife. We also know that God commanded Noah that “he” and “his” family were to repopulate the Earth. It was NOT a decision or choice made by Noah. (Read Genesis 6 through Genesis 9.)

But, as far as the dynamics between Noah’s family members and all the action building up to the day of the Great Flood, it is left to one’s own speculations. And, that’s exactly what the writers of this movie did; speculate. Isn’t that what fiction “writers” do?

There are two main ways to view this artistic expression. One, you can agree that it is a historical fiction movie “based” upon a Biblical story. It is a “Hollywood” produced movie that you can watch with your kids and grandkids without fear of inappropriate words, vile gestures, or extreme nudity. It has plenty of action to capture a young boy’s imaginations and plenty of emotion to melt the heart of any girl. It is wholesome entertainment.

The second perspective is to “protect” the rightful passages of Scripture found within the book of Genesis and denounce any artistic expressions whatsoever. To take this very important four-chapter read in the Bible and do not add nor take away anything from it. After all, is that not what we, as Christians, are entrusted to do?

But, as far as I can tell artistic expression has been around for a number of centuries and it has not weakened God’s version of the Bible; in the least. God’s Word will always prevail over any artistic expression one may make. The heart of the matter is to READ, for yourself, what GOD does say and does not say within His own Book, The Bible. Therein lies the heart and soul of the matter.

As far as I can tell, the historical-fiction based movie, “Noah” just might get someone’s attention enough to read the true Word of God for the first time. Or, it could get a person to open the Bible again after having it shut for many years and reread it. The Bible is filled with many, many interesting stories of great men and women; triumphs and defeats; love and poetry, as well as historical and prophetic messages. Oh, the BIBLE; the blessed B-I-B-L-E…That’s the book for me. I stand alone on the Word of God; the B-I-B-L-E…

Go ahead, get your Bible out and READ it…Find within its pages the secrets to all of mankind’s needs, wants, and desires. I dare you. After all, how will you personally know what’s real and what’s not real the next time Hollywood indulges itself into another one of God’s most marvelous masterpieces? It’s your choice….You decide.

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed. Author

“Got Leadership!”

“Got Leadership?”

“And, the LORD shall be KING over all the earth; in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name ONE.”  (Zechariah 14:9)

I firmly believe that there are three main  “on-going attributes (characteristics and traits) that define a truly outstanding and effective leader: “Leading,” “Uniting,” and “Inspiring.” 

Just as a seasoned, skilled Commander LEADS his forces into battle, UNITING them with a common goal and purpose, and INSPIRING them with a passion of total self-abandonment…Our KING OF KINGS, Jesus Christ,  will one day triumphantly march across this planet ending forever and ever…. ALL of mankind’s search and need to find the perfect leader“Got Leadership?”  Yes; In Jesus Christ!

But, until that glorious eternal day arrives, we, as a people, family, vocation, and nation continue to seek out effective and outstanding leadership.  Mankind has always purposely sought out effective leaders; even from the beginning of time….Noah was a leader…He led, united, and inspired his family of eight to enter into the Ark of safety.  Moses (truly one of life’s greatest, most effective, and inspirational leaders) led an entire nation out of bondage.  Joshua, a great military commander with a divine courage and vision, led his nation’s armies through many heated battles to victory.  King David, God’s own anointed and appointed king, stirred his people with tenacity, strength, courage, hope, purpose, and passion…What great leaders these men were!

Centuries later, another great leader arose; a gentle carpenter from Galilee who rallied the entire world, leading, uniting, and inspiring all walks of life to an eternal “CAUSE” of Love, Compassion, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness, and Kinship…Oh, the leading, uniting, and inspiring life of Jesus Christ!       

But, what about today?  What about today’s families, industries, professions, learning institutions, work-markets, governments, communities, nations, and global societies? Does our hearts not burn within us to once again see such great leadership?  Such purpose?  Such unity?  Such passion and dedication?”   Oh, how our world (all things and peoples included) needs men and women; dads and moms, engulfed with, empowered with, dedicated to, and possessed with outstanding “LEADERSHIP” traits and qualities.  Those who not only CAN… BUT WILL  lead, unite, and inspire for the common good of ALL stakeholders involved.

We need fathers who lead, unite, and inspire their children and families.  We need mothers who lead, unite, and inspire their sons and daughters.  We need teachers who teach, lead, unite, and inspire their students in positive and productive ways.  We need coaches who will coach, train, lead, unite, and inspire their players to play with all their heart, soul, and might for the common good of the team.  We need civic leaders and government leaders who stop pursuing personal and professional agendas and resumes to lead, unite, and inspire their communities and constituents for the common good of ALL.  We need state and national leaders who  are willing to stop being professional politicians long enough to recall, remember, and rededicate themselves to lead, unite, and inspire our great country….not to break-down, to break-up, and to destroy our nation’s Christian heritage and firm foundation…We need leaders who openly and truthfully, without hypocrisy, submit unto God…and are willing to lead according to His standards, plan and purpose; and not their own!

We need pastors and preachers to stop building up themselves and build up the Kingdom of God!  Pastors and preachers who “lead,” “unite,” and “inspire” their congregations.  “Lead” them to Jesus (Evangelize)  “Unite” Them in Purpose (Discipleship).  “Inspire” them to live “godly” lives (Fellowship with God and one another!)  (Wow! I’m on a roll!  smile…)!

As a people, we have seen “pockets” of outstanding leadership here and there.  Perhaps a parent, grandparent, friend, relative, pastor, boss, mentor, coach, professor, or eduator who helped to spur us along life’s course….They inspired and motivated us to remain steadfast towards our goals; individual and cooperate.  Those who helped to hold our hands within theirs when we needed it the most.  Those who inspired us to always keep on keeping on…even in the face of adversities…

Oh, the joy of being led, united, and inspired by an effective leader for the common good of ALL…Today, you may be a leader, a teacher, a coach, a pastor, or a civic leader….If so; I encourage you to dig a little deeper and see if you are truly “leading,” “uniting,” and “inspiring” your followers; those who are looking unto you for guidance and direction….If you reach the conclusion that you are NOT doing your best…Then…Stop…Admit it to God….Seek God’s Forgiveness, Grace and Mercy…Then, Pray to be empowered with HIS leadership attributes. (The Holy Spirit)…Then, and only then, can you truly lead, unite, and inspire!  “Got Leadership!”  I hope so…

Remember, God Loves You!

Lin T. Rollins, Author