Hello, It’s Me Wednesday evening, January 25, 2023…

It’s been since July, 2021 that I have published anything on my blog. For decades, writing was my “go to” self-therapy. But, things changed, and I do mean “changed” in 2021. I’m now sixty-six years old and not only a grandmother, but a great-grandmother. It’s a comfort to know that the circle of life will continue as we pass into eternal life. A life that is secured in Jesus Christ, my personal Savior. But, becoming a great-grandmother four months ago was just one change…The biggest changes have been in the mental health of my parents, my physical and emotional health, and that of my husband’s physical health. I guess it “all” comes with aging., but it can be overwhelming at times…

Where do I begin? First, I am an only child, so the decisions I make regarding my parents fall squarely on my shoulders. Some would say that is a blessing, but as the old adage says, “It can be lonely at the top of the decision ladder.” And, I’ve been living on the top rudder for over sixteen months. All I can say is that when you are thrown into an arena that involves both of your parents being diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s, you better hold onto your hat because you are going on a long, bumpy ride…And, your heart will break into as you watch your parent’s once charmed, adventurous lives settle into a memory unit with security bars on the doors and an iron fence around the outside garden. Yes, they are there for their protection, but it’s still hard to accept.

My parents were as active as anyone I personally know. Several years ago, they owned a Coachman motorhome and traveled for weeks at a time. There are dozens of photo albums showing their trips and all the people they encountered and many that they made friends with. They also had a nice lake lot with a camper where they enjoyed going on the weekends. My Dad was a man who couldn’t sit still. He had to be up and doing something right up to the day he collapsed with an “altered mental status breakdown” at the age of eighty-five.

I had seen my Dad declining in his cognitive abilities for pretty close to a year. They were subtle at first but suddenly accelerated within a few weeks. For over three years, he had been dealing with my mother’s memory absences and changed behaviors. She could be as nice of a person you would want to meet one minute and then become agitated and aggressive the next. My Dad would enlist my help but it would only upset my mother more and more as she become more and more territorial. Sadly, I became a “trigger” for her mood swings that would end in her yelling for me to “get out of her house!” My Dad would stand and cry as I tried to reassure my mother that I was NOT trying to take over her life or her home. But, she could only see that her abilities were decreasing and my Dad was leaning more and more on asking me for help.

It finally got to him. He simply collapsed and loss all awareness of who he was. He ended up staying in the hospital for two weeks and then sent to a skilled nursing home for rehab. It would have been wonderful if I could have sent him back home with my mother had the chain of events not been so drastic that both of my parents ended up in memory care.

The hospitalization of my dad caused my mother to simply “flip out.” She couldn’t understand or comprehend what was happening to him, so she concluded that “I” had come up with an elaborate scheme to break up their marriage and steal their possessions. She called 911 three times wanting me and my husband arrested. She even called 911 while my Dad was in the hospital saying that I had kidnapped him, and at one point she told the police that he was lost in the woods behind their house. For reasons far beyond my reasoning, my mother convinced one of my Dad’s sisters that I was endangering their lives and keeping the family from seeing my Dad. To this day, the aunt still believes that I purposely kept her away from her brother…Nothing could be further from the truth…There was a little thing known as “Covid” going around as well as the fact that the doctor ordered my Dad to have rest and no visitors. (This is another story in itself…)

The police encouraged me to seek immediate medical treatment for my mother. My husband and I were trying our best to stay with her night and day, but it was quickly becoming more than either one of us could handle. My mother began calling the hospital numerous times a day demanding to speak with the head nurses and using words of profanity that Hitler probably never used! The nursing director called and assured me that my mother needed intervention treatment as soon as possible. Since I was listed on their HIPPA the hospital would only deal with me from that point forward. My mother became enraged. At 3:15 AM, I sent a text to her PCP and neurologist that she needed to be seen right away. Our beloved PCP called me first thing the following morning to set up an appointment for that day. That afternoon, I drove my mother to a beautiful memory care facility, paid the first month’s fees, and convinced my mom that she was there to see my Dad. Yes, I lied. Yes, I misled her. And, yes, I had family members (their siblings once again!) think the absolute worse of me for misleading my mother. But, the PCP (primary care physician), the memory care staff nurse, the memory care director, the police department, and oh yes…Adult Protective Services would graciously beg the difference with those particular family members! Our PCP said that my mother could easily hurt herself, get lost, and even try to act out on her suspicions and hallucinations. . I had definitely entered into a different world where my parents were concerned. Nothing would ever be the same again.

After admitting my mother into memory care services, I was faced with my father’s situation in the nursing home. It was time for him to be discharged, but he could not be left alone and would need around the clock care as well. So, it was back to the memory care facility. They graciously offered a double room for both of my parents. Within three weeks, both of my parents were now living full time in memory care. That left me being suddenly inundated with managing their home, barn, land, personal possessions, and financial resources…With absolutely no prior arrangements except that my Dad had made me Power of Attorney three years prior, had added me to their personal checking accounts, and instructed me that he did not want to ever sell their home.

While my Dad was in the hospital he lost his billfold that contained his driver’s license (which he would no longer need), credit cards, and social security cards. I spent the next three months after he moved to memory care trying to replace them. When a new set of Medicare cards arrived, I took them to the memory care unit not realizing that he would loose them again within the next week! It seemed that what was once up was now down and what was down was now up! The journey continued…

To be continued!

This Too Shall Pass (but it could take a while!)

Lin T. Rollins, M.Ed.

Author – BreakAwaybylintrollins

Still Finding Myself at 65 and Beyond!

“O Lord, yours is the kingdom, and you are exalted as head over all.” (I Chronicles 29:11)

Where do I start? On June 24, 2021, I turned sixty-five years old. That doesn’t sound like a huge feat, but it is for me. Even though fifty-five years have passed, I can still plainly recall hearing a group of doctors telling my parents that the blockage they found in my aorta artery would require immediate open-heart surgery with a 50/50 percent chance of my surviving the operation. Nevertheless, without the surgery I would most likely not see my sixteenth birthday.

Funny how I can still visualize the hospital room setting, the rails on the side of the bed, and even the tiny white hospital gown I was wearing. I can still vividly see the black and white checker style tiles on the floors and the floor to ceiling drapes that hung in the lobby of the hospital. It was definitely a life-changer for me.

Now, fifty-five years later, at the age of sixty-five, having not only survived the open-heart surgery but a cerebral brain aneurysm repair, vertebral artery dissection with mild stroke, lumbar back surgery, emergency gall-bladder surgery, and stage one breast cancer with radiation and daily chemo meds, I find that I am still discovering myself with each wonderful passing day.

It’s one thing to maneuver our own life with its ups and downs and challenges, but we can’t forget the ongoing lives of those whom we interact along the way including our spouse or significant other, immediate family members, extended family, friends, co-workers, and peers. Let’s face it, life is not always a day at the beach. It can come at you very fast and very unexpectedly at any age.

One of my favorite “go to” scriptures is found in the New Testament book of Hebrews. “The substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen.” This empowering verse keeps me going, moving forward, reaching towards an unseen future…The foundation of FAITH. Like most things in life, our goals and destinies can change with each new day’s sunrise and sunset. Often, we find ourselves living in “survival mode.” Simply breathing one breath at a time…

Going back to interacting with those within your life…Six weeks ago, my dad, age eighty-five, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. My mother, age eighty-four, was diagnosed with Dementia four years ago. At this season and time in my life, I am dealing with two perfectly healthy parents from a physical perspective, but both parents suffering from cognitive decline. A new layer added to my life…as well as to theirs.

It’s not been easy to say the least. My parents are independent, stubborn, self-absorbed, and in denial that anything is wrong, even though my dad can’t remember how to work the thermostat or the TV remote, and my mother believes everyone keeps things from her even though we tell her things several times again and again. Life…Faith…Life…Faith

A couple of weeks ago, I put 368 miles on my car in five days driving my parents to several doctors appointments including a trip to the ER. Neither of my parents think about the time, money, and wear and tear on my car…And, I’m sure if I were there age I might not either! After all, it is what it is!!

That’s all I have time to write today. I will be back to share my thoughts and adventures…Right now, our beagle puppy is needing to be taken out!

Worship…Peaceful Sleep

Have you ever thought that peaceful sleep is a form or Worship?

Falling to sleep can be problematic at times; especially as you get older. The concerns of life seem to grow larger and larger when you lie down at night to sleep. After an exhausting, challenging day, instead of falling into a peaceful slumber you find yourself tossing and turning as one racing thought after another crosses your mind.

To combat such times, I try reciting the alphabet by applying the many things God has done and provided in my life. “A” is for the air we breathe. “B” is for the beautiful beaches. “C” is for all of creation. You get the picture. At times, I have gone all the way through the alphabet three or four times before falling off to sleep! But, in the process I am expressing gratefulness to God.

Prayer is another good practice before falling to sleep. I can’t count all the times I have fallen to sleep while praying. I typically remain awake enough to pray for my family and closest friends along with the nation and its leaders before falling off into slumber. Each time that I wake up during the night, I try to pick up where my last prayer left off…then, back to slumber time.

Yet; recently, I learned even a better way to fall off to sleep as well as discovering that it is a very powerful form of Worship. In God’s design for mankind, He designed sleep; a time of rest and renewal for the body, soul, and mind. Everyone knows that much needed “sleep” heals both the mind and body. Yet, God, himself, never sleeps or slumbers. His eyes are wide-open perpetually to everything, every one, and every need.

When we, as human beings, are asleep we are unconscious to our surroundings, needs, happenings, and events. During sleep time, our minds are not trying to figure out the day’s problems, ways to complete the long to-do list, or if the cat/dog has enough water in its bowl. We are at rest…All things are shut out or shut off. But, nothing is ever “shut-out” or “shut-off” to God.

We read in the Book of Psalms (Psalm 121: 2-4) that our “help” comes from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. Our LORD will not suffer our foot to be moved. HE that keepeth us does not slumber. HE that keepeth us shall never slumber nor sleep.” My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

I realized while reading this particular passage that when I put my whole heart, trust, and Faith in GOD, I can fall to sleep in a mindset of Worship trusting in God and knowing that HE has ALL things under His control and no matter what the day might bring HIS GRACE will be and is always sufficient.

So, I have learned to use falling asleep as a time of Worship. A time to praise and thank God that while I am sleeping just as HE designed it to be, HE, the God of Israel and the world, is still on the Throne with eyes wide-open…

When you view falling to sleep from this perspective, you can see how sleep itself is a form of obedient worship placing our whole heart and mind into the hands of an all-knowing, all-seeing, all-present GOD.

Falling to sleep is no longer viewed as a time of tossing and turning but a time of personal trust and a time of worship and praise. Amen.

May your nights be filled with worship and praise unto our God, Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Lin T Rollins, M.Ed.

Life…After-all, is a Journey

There is nothing more absolute than change. Every day “change” takes place. Some changes are subtle over time. Other changes are dramatic. No matter what is going on in our lives change is inevitable.

Recently, my husband and I retired from full-time ministry. We both believe that it is time for us to slow-down, reflect, and face the new challenges in our lives with confidence, strength, and patience. My parents are now in their mid-eighties and I never know what a new day might bring. Our three daughters are now in their mid-forties and six of our eight grandchildren are over twenty-one either married, working and attending college, or serving in the military. Our oldest step-grandson and his wife are expecting their first child, a girl, in January. How exciting.

But, as welcome as “change” can be, it can also be frightening and unfamiliar. As a young wife and mother uncertainties were a part of the daily planner. As you mature and grow older, you learn to maneuver your time better enabling you to accomplish even more than you expected. Then, mid-life arrives and you find yourself thrown into the lives of your teenage children. Before you know it they are walking down the aisle starting their own journeys as married adults. Then, you are blessed to be called “Papa” and “Meemaw.” The joys just keep right on coming.

Quicker than you can imagine your grand-kids are grown-up and etching their own path in life. Then, one day something happens…you begin receiving notices in the mail to sign-up for your social security and medicare. What? I know my hair is naturally gray and I have put on more weight than ever imagined, but Medicare? Nearly in disbelief, you ask yourself where has the time gone? Didn’t I just graduate high-school and college myself a few years ago? Didn’t my husband and I just celebrate our first anniversary while waiting to be new parents? Wasn’t it my parents turning sixty-five….not me?

But, if the date on my driver’s license is correct…I’m now considered “older.” Retirement older…But, what a great time to relax, take it all in, and enjoy the freedoms that come with retirement. Like yesterday. After hearing a great Sunday morning message from a dear friend of ours, we drove a couple of hours to the mountains to look at God’s beautiful scenes of Fall…We also stopped at an apple barn and bought apples, apple donuts, fried apple pies, and chow-chow. A splendid relaxing day that would have never happened a few short years ago. But, in retirement spontaneity rules the day! Beautiful spontaneity…Learn to enjoy it!

So, I encourage you to accept the journey and the path you are currently on…no matter your age…Just remember to establish each morning with Jesus, take in the sights around you, stop along the way to smell the coffee and roses, and leave your cares in the Father’s Hands…After all…life is an ever-changing journey. Trust the ONE who knows the end from the beginning. AMEN.


Lin T Rollins, M.Ed

(copyright 10/2020)

Spring/Summer Bible Study

This morning, I began my personal spring/summer Bible study. I am using a previous study I did back in the 90’s written by Beth Moore, “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place.”

How exciting to be reminded how much GOD wishes to dwell and commune with His children. If anyone’s heart was broken the day sin was committed in the Garden of Eden, it was God’s. He created man for fellowship and on that darkest day in man’s history, fellowship between God and man was broken. But, GOD made a way to restore what was once broken…In the Old Testament, God instructed and designed a Tabernacle (a dwelling place to be built in the wilderness) where HE could once again commune with His chosen people. In the New Testament, GOD instructed and designed a Tabernacle that can be permanently built within the wilderness of our own hearts by the perfect Carpenter, Jesus Christ. Through Christ Jesus, our hearts can become God’s dwelling place. Amen.

Today, I hope you will join me in rejoicing in our permanent dwelling place found in Jesus Christ.

Lin T Rollins, M.Ed.

I Miss the Bible Belt South…

The South was once known as the “Bible Belt.” A culture rich in spiritual heritage. Whether or not your immediate family went to church every Sunday, more than likely one of your neighbors or other family members did.

It seemed back in the 30’s through the 80’s every family had someone in the ministry…either a Dad, Grandpa, brother, uncle, or cousin preaching the Gospel. Many families were blessed to a build a legacy of fine preachers including Grandpa, Dad, and Grandsons. Going to church and knowing about Jesus was a way of life in the Bible-belt. Many of our public school teachers were also Sunday school teachers and school principals often served as deacons and sang in the choir. We all loved and sang the same favorite Hymns and spiritual songs…”This is My Story,” “Tell Me the Story of Jesus,” “Victory in Jesus,” and “I’ll Fly Away.”

Back then, funerals were attended by all family members, friends, and neighbors, even when they were held on a Monday or Thursday afternoon. And, back then people cried over the death of a loved one. It was accepted and expected to show grief. Who doesn’t remember Grandma crying over the casket of Grandpa and telling him that she’d meet him in Heaven causing your own heart to break even more. Evidence of living the Christian faith was never far from our eyes and ears in the Bible-belt.

In those days neighbors knew their neighbors and were kind and caring one of another; especially when sickness or tough times came around…Kindness and caring were something we were taught and expected to conduct. So, what happened?

Somewhere around the mid to late 90’s things started changing not only in the South, but all over the globe…and not for the good in my opinion…Children were no longer disciplined or expected to carry out “old” family traditions…Sunday night services in many churches gave way to “family and friend” time spent at ballparks and other weekend adventures. Neighbors started keeping their doors shut and their lives private. People no longer got off of work to attend the funeral of an extended family member or neighbor. Eulogies and Memorials took over the Preacher’s messages regarding Heaven and Hell; no one wanted to hear the Gospel preached or sad songs that made you cry. Church services got shorter and shorter…Revival meetings went from seven days a week down to three, then eventually down to one Sunday morning service. Stores and businesses couldn’t get enough profits in six days, so they extended work hours to 24/7. Money and pleasure became our nation’s god. And, somewhere in the midst of it all, it no longer mattered if your Dad or grandpa was an old-fashioned preacher or not because there were dozens of new Bible translations and dozens of new ways to “worship.” Different style churches sprang up in malls, shopping centers, and school gyms. Preachers and Pastors no longer wore suits and preached behind a pulpit, but rather wore dress-down jeans with a t-shirt and preached on a stage.

In this new, modern-day culture, people were given the choice to choose which style of “church” they want to attend, or not attend. It became perfectly acceptable to not attend an organized church at all. Religion really didn’t matter any longer…Just do whatever is right in your own eyes. It became apparent that man had once again become his own god.

Community churches advertising under the motto, “Come as you are” not “Just as I Am” began to spring up in the 90’s taking over the old, traditional style of church service and Worship. Doctrine and denominations were considered bad words no longer an important part of church training. “Sins” were no longer named or mentioned. It was no longer expected to wear your “Sunday” best, because anything from short-shorts to bathing suits were accepted. Church was all about having fun and being entertained.

Old-fashioned white sanctuary walls with white ceilings were painted black with strobe lights hung to accommodate a new form of non-traditional, contemporary head-banging and jumping up and down style of “worship” replacing the old-fashioned type of repentance of holding up “holy” hands unto a Holy God. Why? Because, God, in this new culture, is now “cool,” known as JC who loves the sinner as well as the sin; no matter what it is. This new Jesus loves all choices and rejects none…There are no boundaries on his love (which is absolute truth!) for mankind, nor boundaries on our sins, because JC has changed…”Sin” doesn’t need to be named or preached any longer, because we’re all going to Heaven no matter how we choose to live! Repentance is no longer preached or required…just come as you are and stay as you are…Simply put…Be Happy…Do as you please…Jesus doesn’t mind…We’re all good somehow and we’re all going to Heaven in a little row-boat!

Parts of this “new” theology is sound, Biblical Truth. God, through His Son Jesus Christ, does love ALL of mankind and is willing that “ALL” come to a place of repentance (turning away from sin) calling upon the name of Jesus for Salvation. Even though Jesus loves the “sinner,” the Bible plainly teaches that He hates sin. HE always has and always will hate sin…The most important part that’s being left out in many of our modern-day churches is the doctrine of “Sin.” The fact is that sin destroys and kills…It’s only remedy is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is our only Hope and our only way to God…The Bible teaches that, “For God so loved the world that HE gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Yes; God loves the whole world, but when GOD enters into our lives in the form of His Son, Jesus…our lives change and we migrate away from “sins” of the flesh to a new way of living pressing towards to the mark of the higher calling found in Christ Jesus.

Yes; more than ever we need the South, North, East, and West to rise again looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith. We need to walk across our yards and paths greeting our neighbors in the love of Christ inviting them into our lives and our churches. We need to place our focus and attention back on God by putting HIS Word as priority in our hearts and lives over other interests including pleasure-seeking and entertainment. And, we need to humble ourselves, repent, and seek His face so that our “land” may be healed (II Chronicles 7:14). Ask anyone…We are living in perilous times.

Yes; I’m glad to have been raised in the South with its long summer nights, sweetened tea, neighborly visits on the front porch, Sunday school quarterlies, powerful Hell and brimstone messages from the pulpits, both Great-Grandpa and Grandpa being preachers, married to a preacher, raising our daughters in an old-fashioned, traditional Baptist church, and praying for our grandchildren to continue in the old-paths all the way to Glory.

There is no doubt that Change is good…New is good…But, the Bible teaches that GOD never changes…HE is the same yesterday, today, and forever more…HE is our anchor of Hope in all things and in all ways. It is my prayer that whether you are from the North, South, East, or West, or any other nation on earth that you may come to know the GOD of the Bible through His Son, Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior. May the true Church rise and be known as the “Bible-belt” to the entire world…

Linda Rollins, M.Ed.

His Ways Are Higher Than Our Ways…

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 58:8-9.

To everything there is a season…God set into motion His timing as a part of His Creation…The Bible clearly states, “It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Timing is God’s creation…Even the timing of our birth and our death…This is one valid reason why His Ways are higher than man’s, and His thoughts are higher than man’s. He’s the only ONE who knows the beginning from the end…the Author and Finisher of our Faith as we know it here on
planet earth.

Over 365 times, the Bible instructs us not to worry or fret. Why? Because, God has everything in His Control. Though, we may not know the outcome of any matter, God does. God also knows the heart and the intentions of the heart. Finding Peace and Serenity in the midst of everyday life is a matter of Trusting God to be God!

Take for instant. We might “judge” someone harshly. We may feel as if “they” will never amount to anything worth while in this life. We may write them off as being a “loser.” When all the time God has BIG plans for this person’s life. I sadly recall a time when a teacher on my team once said, “That child won’t amount to anything. He has no redeemable qualities.” I gasped at her remark. I thought to myself, “Oh, you just wait and see what God might to in this child’s life.”

I also know this from a more personal experience with one of our daughters. When our youngest twin (by five minutes) was in the third or fourth grade, her teacher thought she should be held back one year in order to develop more socially. She and her sister were each other’s best friend. The teacher thought they needed to be separated and allowed to “branch” out on their own. But, I insisted that she be promoted to the next grade level along with her twin sister. There was just NO way I was going to have twin sisters divided between grade levels. The teacher took great offense at my determination to stand against her “professional” judgment. I, immediately, placed the matter into God’s hands and insisted the twins be promoted together. And, they were. Today, that same youngest twin is forty-two years old and the vice-president of a large banking institution. Don’t tell me that God’s ways are not higher than man’s!

Another more personal experience is that of my husband’s. As a young boy he was plagued with a speech impediment. Sadly, speech impediments back in the 50’s and 60’s were often misdiagnosed as learning disabilities. During his primary years in school, he was pulled weekly from classes for speech therapy. Missing too many classes resulted in his falling behind and being held back. This was devastating to him as a child and took a life time to recover. When God began calling him into the ministry, like Moses, he was afraid his speech would be a liability. He struggled with God for several years before submitting to God’s call upon his life. Today, he is sixty-seven years old, holds a Graduate of Biblical Studies from Liberty University, and I can gladly say that God blessed him with a successful thirty-plus years of ministry as Senior Pastor of three different churches. God’s ways are higher than man’s!

I believe the one thing “man” struggles with the most in their Faith is God’s timing. We want it “yesterday!” But, God holds the key to when HE will answer, intervene, and intercede. I know this truth to be most difficult for me at times…Like my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, I want God to show up on my time-table; not His! But, the beauty of growing older is learning to Trust GOD to show up right on time; His time! And, in His way…which is always higher than our ways and thoughts.

So, today, you may be struggling with a matter of extreme importance to you. Don’t worry. God knows and HE understands. The lesson is to “wait” upon God and allow God to be GOD and to do His thing in His time. Rejoice, my child, rejoice, for Jesus is the author and finisher of our Faith!  His ways, including His timing, are higher than our ways…How grateful I am for that!!! Amen.

Remember, God Loves You!

Lin T Rollins, M.Ed. Author.

Copyrighted @2018.

Family…It’s a God Thing!

 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. (II Tim 3)

I am in the midst of doing an interesting and deep Bible study on II Timothy chapter 3. I became especially interested in the statement, “In the last days men will be without natural affection.”

A close study of the words, “natural affection” lead me to the original Greek word, “stergeo” which is defined as a form of natural love specifically between family members.   Yes; it is talking about familial love; family love.

The biological family unit was created by God and still remains one of God’s greatest and most valued creations.  Is it not any wonder that Satan has spent thousands of years doing his best to destroy the natural love that should exist between immediate family members such as parents and children, adult children and parents, siblings with siblings, and even grandparents, aunts, and uncles etc.?

Sadly, we all know that some of the worse hurt and abuse encountered occurs within the DNA family structure.  Another diabolical plan derived at the hands of God’s enemy, Satan. God, have mercy and help us! But, just as sadly, modern-day culture has redefined the meaning of the family unit by encouraging everyone to simply, “love the one you’re with,” or love those whom you have much in common or shared interests.

These days, people love their neighbors (as we should!), their friends (as we should!) their peers (as we should), their teammates, and even their church family (as we should!) but show very little effort, time (if any!)  regard, love and /or respect for natural or immediate family members.

People in this modern-day and time have energies and  willful, blissful time to “hang” with friends and peers six or seven days a week but can’t find time enough  to visit aging parents or grandparents  much less family time with siblings and cousins, even during the holidays.  In this modern-day, holidays, birthdays, and special occasions are just “red” days on the calendar to be ignored at all cost!

But, God designed and chose our DNA family for HIS plan, purpose, and will.  I know that’s hard for some people to swallow!  But, it’s through the ups and downs of natural “family” love, acceptance, and mercy that we learn to give and receive natural love to ourselves and to others as intended by God.

It’s not too hard to love those that love us back and think the same way as we do.  But, it can be rather hard and challenging to accept “uncle” Joe for who he is or “aunt” sally for who she is.  It’s also a challenge at times to accept our parents for whom they are and for parents to accept adult children for whom they are. But, growing and maturing in God’s Grace, Mercy, and Word is never, never easy.  We must be willing, ready, and “fit” for the challenge. And, there’s no better place to start this school of obedience than within our own immediate family!

So, let me ask you a question.  What appears to be the modern-day family’s pathway in these last days that God refers to as being, “without natural affection?”  Here’s my answer:  Separation at all cost; no matter who it hurts or who it bothers.  Simply don’t call.  Don’t text. Don’t email.  Don’t answer the phone. Block the numbers of family members. Block social media.  Don’t visit.  Just stay away , stay away, and stay away. Let day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year go by… After all, it’s acceptable now a days in society that people are just living out their own lives the best way they know how by doing what they enjoy doing…And, it’s socially acceptable that none of us “owe” anyone in life anything; especially our family!  

The modern-day answer for dealing with DNA family matters goes something like this:  Just don’t think about your family or extended family members…and never concern yourself with their troubles or concerns. Pretend you don’t know what your “family” is doing or what they might be going through.  And, as always just keep a friendly smile on your face for the crowd along with a cheerful tone in your voice for your “friends”…

Well, I don’t know about you, but doesn’t this sound a whole lot like the description of the “last days” when men will lose their “natural affection?”

Here’s the conclusion of the whole matter. A close, loving, forgiving, accepting biological “family” is the greatest revelation, gift, and application of “agape” love there is on planet earth.  God made it that way.  I believe what God is trying to show each one of us  is that when we learn to love, accept, and forgive those whom God has ordained (set aside) and naturally placed within our lives that we will mature and grow to accept ourselves and others for who they are; who God made them to be. Thus, the stronger the family unit the stronger the church and the stronger our society.

When a child grows up loving, nurturing, and respecting their parents, siblings, and grandparents and continues therein their adult life will develop more of a loving “god-like” heart that shows a greater love and respect for both authority and society.  The very things that are taught in God’s Word, the Bible.

The Bible clearly teaches that God is no respecter of persons. We reap what we sow. Teaching our children to respect and value everyone, anyone, and everything above immediate and extended family members is neither healthy nor Biblical. If anything, we should PRAY for our family members who cause us our greatest grief either by their personal life choices or by their mannerisms. Pray ye one for another…

No family is perfect. Family members can be the first ones to let you down and the first ones to pick you back up when you’ve fallen. But, since Family was one of God’s original creations, I think we should take careful stock in making sure that our DNA “family” is a vital priority in our lives. Of course, I know there are those who have been completely abandoned by their birth parents and adopted into loving, caring families. In that case, the adoptive family is to be loved, valued, and respected equally.

Be assured, God keeps very good records.  He is the original logistics Creator.  There is a “family tree” in Heaven and one glorious day God will reveal to us our family line as far back as the day of Creation when we will see face to face our original parents, Adam and Eve.  That my friend will be our “earthly” lineage.

But, there is second lineage that God has chosen for those who Believe.   The linage of those “born-again” through the Name and Power of Jesus Christ; the son of God.  For those of us who are born-again into that eternal family where the circle will never be broken we will spend all of eternity with our spiritual heavenly family; our spiritual brothers and sisters.  This shows to me just how important “family,” both earthly and heavenly really are to God.

Today, we should all give thanks for our earthly family whom God has hand-picked for us according to His purpose and plan.  As the Bible clearly teaches us to do, Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long. 

Thank you, Lord, for my precious family. Amen.

Remember, God Loves You,

Linda R Rollins, M.Ed.




What Injustice?

What injustice? ….I say Boycott the NFL!

On yesterday, Americans all over the world watched as #NFL teams and players sadly took a knee in protest of our nation’s flag and national anthem to boycott “injustice.”

What injustice? Every day these rich #NFL players drink clean water, eat fine foods, drive expensive vehicles, and sleep in luxury, comfort, safety and protection while millions of people, including innocent children living both in the USA and around the world, starve to death and would love to taste a drop of fresh, clean water and have a safe place to sleep…

These spoiled-rotten, ungrateful, high-minded sport entertainers need to be reminded just how unnecessary they truly are on an actual scale of real-life. They are the ones being paid millions of dollars for running up and down a playing field entertaining their fans while our nation’s military personnel and first responders put their lives on the line daily for the very minimum.

The Bible clearly teaches that in the “last days” men shall become lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy…having no love for what is good (II Timothy 3:3-4). This is exactly what we witnessed and saw played out on football fields all over America; ungrateful, unthankful self-seeking, self-centered, childish men trying to make an ill-mannered statement.

I say, #Boycott the NFL and every actor, actress, and entertainer who thinks they are “too good” to show respect for the country we are blessed to live. I say ban them all together and ship them to the streets of Afghanistan with nothing more than their shoulder pads for protection! Then tell me about justice and injustice!

I am thankful and grateful for men and women such as my grandson who is currently serving in the USA Army protecting our nation’s liberties while these ungrateful football teams and players show how ignorant they are and what poor role-models they actually are. How truly sad these creatures are…

Yes; I will stand for the USA flag and ALL that it represents…liberty, justice, and freedom for all. God bless the USA.

Lin T Rollins, M.Ed

Fret Not Yourself…

“Fret not thyself because of evildoers.” (Psalm 37:1).

Welcome to springtime 2017…And just in case someone in your life is causing you a lot of pain and grief right now, just remember God loves you and HE sees and hears all.

The Bible provides us with instructions on how to handle the daily stresses and uncomfortable, challenging situations in our life; especially when dealing with unreasonable people who want to hurt us emotionally. The Psalmist David wrote, “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.” That little word, “fret” simply means, worry, trouble, bother, or upset. In other words, do NOT allow evildoers to worry, trouble, bother, or upset you. The Psalmist also tells us not to be envious of their wrong doings.

Many times it seems that those who commit evil acts and wrong deeds against us go unpunished and some even seem to be celebrated in their wickedness. But, as followers of Christ, we can “Trust in the Lord, and do good…Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him…And, cease from any and all anger; for yet a little while and the wicked shall not be nor the works of their wickedness prevail.” (Psalm 37).

As a Christian, I can take great comfort in knowing that my GOD knows the intentions and motives of every man’s heart. The wicked may plot against those they dislike, envy, or wish to hurt. But, this is not so with the upright in heart. A righteous man wants the “best” for all and even prays for his enemies. The Bible says that the Lord knows the way of the upright and he shall not be ashamed. But, the ways of the wicked shall perish.

Just as winter has given way to summer the workers of iniquity will have end to their season as well. But, for those who place their Trust in Christ they shall not be ashamed nor perish. Their trust and works of righteousness in Christ shall live on forever and forever. For the Christian, a forthcoming glorious, eternal springtime in Christ, absent of all evil and wickedness, awaits. Oh, What a Glorious Day that will Be…Amen.

Remember, God Loves You!

Lin T Rollins, M.Ed. Author.