When It Hurts…

When It Hurts…

Be still and know that I am God…(Psalm 46:10 KJV)

There are times in our lives when “being still” is all we can manage to do. A death of a loved one. The loss of a spouse. The loss of a child. The grief of sorrow and pain. An unrelenting illness….The unknown.  The brokenhearted. The loss of our existenance as we once knew it…All of these render our spirits to yield and submit to a Higher Power; to a Higher Authority, God. And, many times our submission to Him requires us to just stand, be still, wait, and be stilled before the Lord. These are harder, more difficult, times when it just simply Hurts…No way around it. No way through it….Except to Wait before the Lord.

Waiting takes into account second by second; minute by minute; hour by hour; day by day; week by week; month by month; and year by year….Some things just don’t heal themselves overnight or even over a year….Some hurts can remain with us for quite a long, enduring amount of time…But, while we are enduring we can know for certain that GOD is on our side and HE is in control of our lives and our futures.  But, the “hurt” itself will not go away just because we tell it to go away….It walks with us.  It gets into the shower with us.  It rides in the car with us.  It escorts us down the grocery aisle. It sits with us at the ballgame even while we cheer on our team…It makes its presence known unto us… Oh, the agony of this type of “hurt.”

But, thankfully, one day….one wonderful day…our eyes awaken and the hurt is not as bad as it was the day before…We feel and we believe that we can now move on with our lives in spite of what we have suffered.  We know the hurt is still there, but it has taken a backseat to LOVE, JOY, FAITH, and PEACE… Yes; we have experienced God’s waiting room of recovery for our lives and we can now climb down from the table of grief to feel the sunshine on our faces and to hear the birds sing…Our season of hurt and grief has found its place nestled within the memories of our heart….Oh, we can take it out from time to time and still feel and experience its hold upon our lives.  But, thankfully, when we are threw remembering its mark upon us,  we can put it back into its treasured place within our heart and move on with the day…We have arrived to a place where we can better control it than “it” controls us….

Yes; there are times in this life “When It Hurts.”  Oh, how a hug can help the hurt.  Oh, how a precious card or letter can help the hurt.  Oh, how a warm smile and listening ear can help the hurt…But, ONLY GOD can HEAL the hurt….You may be standing still today in God’s recovery room letting Him still your hurt and pain no matter what it is…If so, may God be with you is my prayer.  Or, you may recall a time in your life when you stood still before God and let Him exalt His presence above your pain…Oh, my friend, aren’t we so blessed to have a loving GOD who can “fix” our hurts when they do come into our lives.

Nevertheless, one glorious day, one eternal day, God wil wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more grief, pain, sorrow, or death for the former things will be passed away and behold ALL things will be new in that glorious city called Heaven…Until then, let us all learn to “Be still and Know that God is GOD….Amen.

Remember, God Loves You! (Always!)

Lin T Rollins, Author