Thanksgiving Day

A Month of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day 2011…GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS!

Joyously speaking, our God has brought us to another beautiful Thanksgiving Day here in the most blessed country on the planet, The United States of America.

 As most of us learned in elementary school, our nation’s first celebrated Thanksgiving Day was held on December 13, 1621 at Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts.  On that most humble of all days a tiny group of courageous and faith-filled Pilgrims sit down in peaceful fellowship with a band of befriended Native Americans to give Honor and Thanks unto God for their pilgrimage and blessings.

Even though our early fore-fathers continued the celebrations of thanksgivings, it was not until 1863 in the midst of our nation’s Civil War that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed “Thanksgiving” as a national holiday to be celebrated in the month of November each year.

Yet, far before the shores of America was home to the celebration of thanksgivings, a tiny mid-east country known as Israel held seven yearly feasts to celebrate and honor their blessings and victories from God.  Human beings thanking God for His faithfulness is as old as the Book of Genesis itself.  (The just shall live by HIS faith.  Habakkuk 2:3 KJV).

So, today I wish to carry on both a biblical and national tradition of Praise and Thanksgiving to my Heavenly Father (God) for His Faithfulness to life; as well as His faithfulness to my nation, my family, and me.  Thank you Heavenly Father for Your Faithfulness and blessings (benefits).

May the God of both the Old and New Testaments continue to hold our nation in His favor.  May we never forget from whom our blessings flow.

Remember, God Loves You!

Lin T. Rollins, Author

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