Right In His Own Eyes…

“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes; but the LORD pondereth the hearts…”

(Proverbs 21:2 KJV).

Ever wondered why it is a challenge to deal with certain people? The answer can be found in the book of Proverbs. Unless a person walks daily with Christ as their personal Savior and is willing to submit to His Lordship, it is often quite difficult to show that person their wrong or error in any given situation or circumstance.

Unfortunately, the “pride of man” won’t allow us to see our own faults or errors, but be assured we are most willing to see others! For two or more people to truly find common ground to move forward in any matter they must both first remove the beam in their own eye before they can see clearly how to remove the speck from the other person’s eye. (Matthew 7:5) To self-reflect requires humility that comes only from the Hand and Heart of God. For one to be humble in any given situation it requires prayer asking God to “reveal” all deception, wrong motives, and self-will. As much as some folk would like, we cannot ALL be right! We can each share a piece of the pie which is made up of each person’s perspective, but to gain the whole pie we must put those pieces together!

Successful mediation takes great patience and hard work when the goal is to reach Peace and Understanding between two different perspectives or opinions. But, when it is finally reached the outcome is JOYFUL. Don’t be afraid to look at something from another person’s perspective as long as their perspective lines up with the Word of God; not their personal feelings, opinions, or thoughts. Opinions and feelings are likes noses; we all have one!

So, today remember that what you may feel is right may be right only in your own eyes. Take your feelings, thoughts, opinions, and motives to God in truthful and honest prayer seeking HIS guidance, understanding, and wisdom. God is the ONLY one who can ponder the hearts and intentions of ALL mankind; all stakeholders involved.

Remember, “Greater is He that is in us than he who is in the world!” (I John 4:4) Let’s take everything we do to God in prayer. Wishing you much Peace along the way. Amen.

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed Author

The Wind Was Contrary…

The Wind Was Contrary…

…”But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves; for the wind was contrary…(Matthew 14:34)

Have you ever set out to do something that you thought was the right thing to do and in the midst of doing it everything started going wrong? Oh, my friend, you are in a good place to witness a miracle!

In the book of Matthew, chapter fourteen, we read where Jesus instructed his disciples to enter into a ship and, “go before him unto the other side…” The disciples followed our Lord’s instructions and entered into the ship to set sail for “the other side.” While they were sailing alone, Jesus himself went up into a mountain to pray until evening.

It was around the “fourth watch of the night” (3 AM) when the disciples found their ship being tossed about by the waves from the contrary winds. Now, remember these were seasoned fishermen who knew a thing or two about storms…But, no man or woman enjoys being in a storm at 3AM in the middle of a sea! As they were doing their best to steer the ship in the tumultuous tossing winds, they saw a “figure” walking upon the waters. Surely, it was a spirit they thought…Perhaps, they even thought it was a “sign of death.” Their faith was definitely being tested…

But, the Bible teaches us that, “Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” (vs 27)…I don’t know about you, but “cheering” because it was the LORD coming towards me instead of an unknown spirit would not have been a problem! I would have been jumping up and down, clapping, and cheering, “Thank you, thank you Sweet Jesus!”

Many of us know the rest of the story. This is when Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk upon the waters to meet Jesus…In ways, I think I would have wished to do the same thing! I mean who wouldn’t want to rush out to meet Jesus when your ship is being tossed to and fro!! But, as soon as Peter took his eyes off of Jesus he began to sink into the waters. Ouch! And, thus we have one of the shortest prayers in the Bible, “Lord, save me!” As a result, Jesus sweetly reached out his hand and pulled Peter from the waters as he admonished him, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”

Doubt comes into all of our lives at one time or another…But, just as Peter called upon the Lord to save him, we can pray the same simple prayer, “Lord, save me.” Whether it be new adventures or an old adventure with a new twist, we can all become apprehensive in our endeavors. That’s when it’s time to call upon the one whom the winds and seas obey…

Today, you may be facing a situation in your own life where you need Faith, Hope, and Trust…Then, my friend, as I said before, you are in a good place…You are in the ship and Jesus is walking upon the waters heading your way! Remain calm and soon you will hear his voice say unto you, “It is I.” Amen!

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed. Author

Almighty; High and Lifted Up…

Almighty; High and Lifted Up…

My friend, do you know that you know who God really is? And, what God represents and what God can do with just the utterance of his breath?

Do we as human beings really grasp the full concept of GOD? Do we really understand our inferior nature to HIS superior intelligence and abilities? Oh, how GOD puts up with our inferior ways and lack of abilities each and every day…But, why does HE do this? Simply because HE is GOD and HE Reigns Supreme over all of the Earth and the vast universes surrounding us. HE is ABBA Father, our Creator, and HE knows our weaknesses, our inabilities, and our fallen nature…Oh, but how HE loves me; Oh, how HE loves you and me. So much so that HE was willing to send HIS only begotten Son to die in our place. (John 3:16)

Friend, today you may be tempted to doubt God or doubt what God is allowing to come into your life. You may be facing a terrible storm, a terrible sickness, a terrible divorce, a terrible death of a loved one…Your world may be falling apart right before your eyes and you feel as if you will never overcome and recover…But, that’s not the case my friend. Jesus is LORD…He is LORD right now over every circumstance in your life; good or bad…For no other god can do what our GOD can do…HE can take the hidden things of this life and bring them to light. He can take the fallen and restore them to a place of honor. He can take the pride of an individual and break it into pieces as if it was dashed against the rocks. HE alone can pull the storm out of the person or the person out of the storm…It is in HIS power to do so…Whatsoever God commands that HE can and will do.

The most amazing thing about GOD is how HE shows such great patience and compassion toward HIS creation. No longer will HE annihilate the whole human race as He did in the Great Flood, but instead HE provided a way of escape through HIS own shed blood at Calvary’s Cross. Oh, how HE loves you and me…Oh, how HE loves you and me…He gave his life what more can HE give…Oh, how HE loves you…Oh, how HE loves me…Oh, how HE loves you and me.

Trust HIM today…give HIM your heart and your heartache…Only GOD can grow a tree…Only GOD can mold a man…Only GOD can heal the brokenhearted and restore unto him strength, honor, and courage…HE is ALMIGHTY; HIGH AND LIFTED UP…HE IS GOD!

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed. Author

Deliver Me From My Enemies

“Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God; defend me from them that rise up against me.” (Psalm 59).

Possibly, in my life time or since the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, are we seeing such a massive uprising of physical attacks and assaults on a people because of their ethnicity and faith.

It’s getting more and more difficult to watch the daily news without ever-growing concerns for our Christian brothers and sisters living in the Middle East as well as the daily bombardments on Israel. One would have to be completely living with their head buried in the sand to not see what is happening. God’s enemies are boldly moving throughout our globe as they see earth’s final days quickly approaching.

In the New Testament book of Matthew, chapter twenty-four, Jesus himself reveals the “signs” and “events” that will be occurring at his second coming. Could the headlines of today’s news say it any plainer? Yes; many of these events and happenings have been taking place on our planet at one time or another ever since Jesus ascended back into Heaven over 2,000 years ago. But, Jesus also taught that the world’s end-of-time troubles would come on much like birth pangs intensifying stronger and stronger as the day approaches.

I remember when our oldest daughter went into labor with our first grandchild. We took her to the hospital three times in one day as the pains continued. But, on that fourth and final trip the pains had become closer and closer and more unbearable. When we walked through the front entrance of the birthing center that time the nurse took one look and said, “She’s got the look.” What look you might ask? The look of intense pain and suffering! She was suffering and she wasn’t even able to get a good breath from one pain to the other. That seems to be what is happening all around us on planet Earth. We cannot get through one piece of bad news before another one hits right on top of it.

The pains, sorrows, and trials of this life are getting closer and closer and seemingly harder and harder to manage. It appears to me that Jesus’ return is on the horizon. I beg you my friend to make your election sure; your Salvation in Jesus Christ. That you know that you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are a child of God’s, born-again, filled with the Holy Spirit, and ready for your departure ALL in the name of Jesus Christ.

The only sure way to be “delivered” from the enemies of this life and the dreadful Great Tribulation that is upon us is through the shed blood of Jesus at Calvary. Jesus is LORD and He is our only “Deliverer.” Great is HIS name. Amen.

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed. Author

Faithful Attendance

Faithful Attendance

“One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.” (Psalm 27:4)

With so many people finding excuses these days to leave the church or to stay away from the church, it’s so refreshing to read King David’s prayer unto the LORD that he may remain faithful in the house of the LORD all the days of his life.

King David didn’t concern himself about the unfaithfulness of others to the House of the LORD. Rather, he concerned himself that he might be found faithful. In all honesty, remaining faithful to the House of the LORD should be the prayer of ALL saints alike.

Being faithful in our attendance and how we conduct ourselves towards the House of the LORD not only brings Honor and Glory to God but it also reveals our hearts and attitudes towards God. Going to church shouldn’t be a task that we try to get “around to” on our weekly “TO DO” list…Going to church should be our TOP PRIORITY list!

The Bible plainly teaches us to, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 6:33 KJV). Like many of you, it concerns me regarding the lack of attendance we are experiencing within our churches; especially among our teens, younger adults and younger families. But, like King David, I can only concern myself with my own attendance…And, like King David; I too pray that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life and be found “Faithful” in attendance.

Yes; we certainly need a revival within our nation (land) regarding the importance of church attendance and cooperate church worship. Sadly, it seems that our nation has become more interested in passing laws promoting promiscuity, adult pleasures, and sin than returning to God’s ways. (See II Chronicles 7:14).

As I recently wrote on my Facebook page, “Our nation once seemed like a canvas of Light with only patches of darkness here and there. But, today, it seems more like a canvas of darkness with only patches of Light here and there.” Oh, that our nation’s desire would be to “return” unto God by first returning unto HIS house; the blessed House of the LORD. And, I feel that the best way to do that is for each ONE of us to be found “Faithful in Attendance to our own home churches and synagogues. Like King David, let us behold the beauty of the LORD and enquire within HIS temple…Amen.

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed Author

Who is Your Trust?

“O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust; save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me…My defense is of God, which saveth the upright in heart.” (Psalm 7:1, 10).

In the Old Testament days, King David of Israel fully understood the need to be rescued and delivered from his enemies. He was the king. In those days, kings were not always loved or liked by their family members or those who dwelled within their kingdom. Their lives were constantly in danger and in need of protection and safety from their enemies.

As many earthly body-guards as King David’s court included, his trust safely dwelled in the God of Israel. The same can be true for you and me as well. No matter how many friends and loved ones we may have in our lives none can secure our daily safety and protection like our Lord God through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Like King David our trust should always dwell safely in God. Today, you may be facing an unknown enemy; or an enemy of sickness, disturbance, loneliness, grief, persecution, or discouragement. Whatever the enemy may be in your life you can put your whole heart’s trust in God through Jesus Christ.

The Bible is filled with God’s many promises to those who put their trust in Him. I encourage you to take your eyes off of man and put them solely, by Faith, on Jesus. Jesus is our help in every circumstance of life.

The Bible teaches, “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from mine enemies.”

Today, please join me in Praising God for always being our TRUST, Salvation, and Deliverer. Worthy to be praised is thy Name, O LORD…Amen and Amen!

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed, Author

Are You a Thief?

Are You a Thief?

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy….(

John 10:10 a)

“Are you a thief?” Before you answer, “No” to that question, you might want to reconsider. First, let’s look at who a thief is and what a thief does…

The basic definition of a “thief” is one who steals or robs something that doesn’t belong to them. A thief is only interested in satisfying his or her own desire at any given expense. So, you might answer once again, “Well, that’s not me; I’m not a thief.” Wait a minute; let’s dig deeper.

A thief basically “takes” things away from others. A professional thief can break into a resident or business in a matter of minutes taking away many valuable assets. When the owner(s) return they are devastated over their losses. And, as good as our law enforcement officials may be many times stolen items are never recovered or returned.

Now, let’s look closer at other ways “things” can be taken away or stolen from us against our will. Have you ever been having a good day when you receive an unexpected phone call from a very negative person and suddenly your Joy is gone? Joy taken. Have you ever been excited about a situation or matter when those around you don’t share in your enthusiasm and suddenly you feel your intrinsic motivation draining from your soul? Enthusiasm taken. Have you ever thought you had a friend or relative whom you could confide until one day you discover that they have been talking badly about you behind your back and sharing all of your secrets? Confidence taken. Have you ever offered a smile, friendly gesture, or kind word to someone and they failed to reciprocate on any level? Warm heart taken.

See, a thief can be responsible for taking away more things from us than just physical belongings. In the New Testament book of John, Jesus calls Satan a thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. It is a professional thief, Satan, who steals our Joy, kills our Enthusiasms, and destroys our Confidence in others and within ourselves. Thieves can even steal, kill, and destroy a person’s self-esteem, positive outlook on life, and many times a person’s love and enjoyment of life. Thieves love to destroy by taking…

Without realizing it, you could actually be a thief robbing and stealing positive energies and positive emotions away from those around you or even people you pass on the street. Your negative attitudes and/or self-centeredness could be stealing away and destroying someone else’s life, joy, self-value, peace-of-mind, and self-esteem. That’s right…A thief will even attempt to steal away a person’s self-esteem leaving them feeling worthless, hopeless, and wondering what’s the use. Remember, nothing good comes from a thief!

There’s only one way to stop a thief…Put a “guard” on your heart and over your life. The next time that devilish old thief comes prowling around your door take the Word of God out and put it right into his or her face and shoot away! Let the thief know that your JOY is grounded in God’s Word and God’s strength. Let that old thief know that your enthusiasm comes directly from God’s throne on high. And, let that old thief know that you are going to trust God with your inner feelings, emotions, and secrets instead of that person you just met a few days ago or weeks ago; no matter how friendly or safe they seem to be…Let God be your best friend in everything; then ALL of your secrets will be forever safe…

And lastly, don’t let a thief cheat you out of another second of blessings. You are a child of the King…Lift up your head; give the world a smile…If your smile is sincere and your unselfish gestures are filled with gladness of heart then it doesn’t matter how the person or persons respond, because GOD sees and hears all…Your rewards are great in heaven! The rewards and recognitions we receive here on earth will one day fade away, but our Heavenly rewards will be forever! Let your treasures be in Heaven and let your heart be where your treasures are!

Now, let me ask the question again, “Are you a thief?” I hope not. I hope that you are living your life in such a way that you don’t go around attempting to steal, rob, kill, or destroy another person’s life, their dreams, hopes, faith, or reputation…I also hope you don’t try to steal people’s joy, happiness, or peace of mind…After all, God himself “hates” sin and taking away from someone what doesn’t belong to you is a sin…

Trying to take away, steal, kill, or destroy a person’s Joy, Love, Peace, Hope, Faith, and Trust are all works of a thief; the master thief…So, be real careful the next time you put someone down or try to harm them with any type of verbal communications. Because, any way you put it the works of a thief are the direct works of the enemy; God’s enemy; Satan. Don’t be a thief!!!

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed. Author

Got Problems?

Got Problems?

Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. (Job 14:1)

If you are a human being (and I really suspect that you are!) you have “problems.” Big problems. Little problems. Annoying problems. Relationship problems. Problems in life come in all sizes, shapes, and levels of severity. Let’s face it…Planet Earth is totally problematic!

Most of us don’t like to ponder about our problems. We’d rather them go away. But, every day we are faced with some sort of problem, issue, or adversity. We might face traffic jams, late doctor’s appointments, bad test grades, pluming issues, pesky neighbors, a flat tire, burned out garbage disposal, broken dishwasher, spilled shampoo, leaky juice bottle, bad lab results, or being laid off of our job after decades of dedicated service…Let’s be honest problems and adversities are everywhere!

A few synonyms for the word, “problem” include: trouble, difficulties, dilemma, quandary, setback, crisis, and predicament. In the Old Testament book of Job, we find the author boldly proclaiming that “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and FULL OF TROUBLE.” And, if anyone knew about troubles it was Job! So, it would seem to me that we need to better prepare our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren to expect problems!

But, sadly, I feel we do not do a good job at preparing ourselves or our offspring to deal with the matter of life’s reoccurring problems and challenges. We want everything in our lives and around us to be “Disney!” Or, we want to be like a sitcom where everything is “fixed” in less than one hour. But, real life is not “Disney” and it’s not a sitcom. Yes; real life is filled with wonderful blessings dazzled with problems!

Can there ever really be a “perfect” day on planet Earth? Of course, there are seemingly perfect moments such as seeing your first child come into this world or witness the birth of your first grandbaby.Those special times and occasions are so filled with JOY that they drive out any thoughts of problems! But, truth be known life’s many unexpected problems and challenges soon reappear and find their way right back into our thoughts and lives.

So, what should we do about all the “problems” of life? The only thing we can do…TRUST in GOD to see us through each and every problem or adversity in HIS name, in HIS time, and in HIS way for the purpose of bringing GLORY to HIM!

One of my favorite Proverbs is found in Proverbs 3:5-8, “Trust in the LORD with ALL thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy naval and morrow to thy bones.” A “trusting” life brings health (comfort) to our mind, body, and soul…Amen.

I believe that if we, especially those of us who Believe and follow the teachings of Christ Jesus, could all look at “problems” as being opportunities to glorify God in ALL things that we could manage our daily lives better and have a better understanding of how to offset or resolve our problems. By trusting God and leaning not on our own understanding, we would then possess the right attitude and right perspective in order to gain wisdom from God in order to face our problem(s) with boldness and confidence; two life-changing ingredients that help us to be overcomers!

So, the question remains, “Got Problems?” And, the answer is, “Yes, I do.” And, so do you. So, today, let us put all of our “problems” into God’s hands, lean not on our own understanding, and TRUST in Him to be life’s problem-solver in His time and in His way…

Let everything on earth de done to Honor and bring glory unto the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. To God be the Glory for great things HE hath done!…Amen…

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed Author

The “Lifter of My Head”

“But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.” (Psalm 3:3)

How many times in your life have you needed “someone” to “lift up your head?” Perhaps, your head was heavy and bowed low with sorrows or disappointments. Or, perhaps you had received bad news about a friend or loved one; or even about yourself.

Troubles and sorrows can overtake us in any given moment or situation. But, there is ONE who is the “lifter up” of our heads…Our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. As any believer of the Word (Bible) will tell you God doesn’t always deliver us from the many storms and trials in Life, but HE will always be with us to see us through to the other side.

King David said, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD sees us through.” (Psalm 34:19). Today, you may be facing an unprecedented time of trouble in your life. Let me encourage you NOT to despair. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who guided the Children of Israel to the Promised Land is the same God, through Jesus Christ, who is leading and guiding His children (those who Believe) today.

God is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever…I encourage you to let God be your Shield of Faith, your Glory of Hope, and the “Lifter Up” of you head. Then, you, too can say as the Psalmist, “I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me…Yes; the LORD sustained me…Salvation belongeth unto the LORD; thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah” (Psalm 3:8).

How sweet to face each day knowing that the LORD is my shield, my glory, and the lifter of my head. Amen

Remember, God LOVES You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed. Author

Don’t Waste Your Time

Don’t Waste Your Time…

Therefore, be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. (Ephesians 5:16).

One of the most tragic happenings in a Christian’s life is “not walking” where, how, and when the LORD bids you. Sadly, we let too many “other” things get in our way. Perhaps, at one time or another, you felt a “calling” upon your life to follow Jesus in a specific direction. Perhaps, you even prayerfully considered attending seminary training or enrolling into a higher educational program that would have prepared you to work and minister to others in a specific area or need. But, over the course of your life you allowed other secular interests, circumstances, situations, and even other people to influence your choices and decisions. As you grow older, you will find that those missed opportunities to serve Christ will become more and more sad for you. It is far better to “redeem” our time wisely for the LORD than to allow those moments to escape our lives. I encourage you to stick to God’s plan for your life and ignore any and all other detours!

Too sadly, one of the most devastating thoughts in a Christian’s life is to “wake-up” one day and realize how much time has elapsed in your life and how little time you have left to engage yourself in God’s plan for your life. But, as long as you have breath in your lungs you can use that breath for Christ! I encourage you to renew your heart’s interests and surge forward by “redeeming” the time for Christ.

June 14th marks a very special anniversary for me. It will be the 48th anniversary of my entering into the hospital for open-heart surgery to repair a congenital heart defect. It was nothing less than a miracle that I had lived the first ten years of my life with very little blow blood and no recognizable pulse to the lower extremities of my body. I had a full-blockage in the aorta artery. I was very tiny for my age and very sickly even though God had blessed me with an abundant “will-power” to run, play, jump, and talk! Doctors assured my parents that without the corrective surgery, I would only live a few more years and most likely never see my sixteenth birthday. However, they could only give me a fifty-fifty chance of making it through the surgery. Not very good odds for 1966. But, God had other plans for my life.

At that time, God brought into my life a group of pioneer cardiologists from Emory University Hospital who were willing to meet the risks. Not only did I survive the surgery and recovery period, but if I live to June 24th, I will be celebrating my 58th birthday. However, my acquaintance with medical issues did not stop there. Because of the lack of blood supply in my body for the first ten years of my life, I have encountered several medical issues over the years including two spontaneous brain aneurysms. Thankfully, God sent well-skilled neurologists from the same hospital, Emory University, to take care of those physical needs as well.

So, with all of that being said, I knew a long time ago, around the age of ten, that God had a plan for my life; and HE still does. I haven’t always “redeemed” the time as wisely as I should. Too often, I allowed people, emotions, feelings, disappointments, circumstances, rejection and betrayal, and all other types of hurdles to detour my efforts at times for Christ. But, God has been merciful and has shown great mercy. God’s Grace has always been sufficient in my life.

With God’s Grace and guidance, I was fortunate enough and blessed to serve alongside of my husband in the ministry for over thirty-five years before he retired in 2012. But, let me assure you that there is LIFE after retirement!

Today, I can still redeem the time for my LORD. I write a weekly inspirational article for our local newspaper, and I published my first Christian-fiction romance novel back, Break Away, back in 2010. This past January, I started teaching a Ladies Bible study in our church, and I am celebrating my third anniversary this week writing this particular blog that I hope and pray will always be a source of encouragement. I can assure you that when we are willing, God will always make a way and allow us to serve Him with our time, talents, and energies. Amen…

Perhaps, like me, you may be disappointed that you have not always “redeemed the time” as well as you would have liked for Christ. After all, HE did it ALL for both you and me when HE died for my sins and yours on the Cross at Calvary. That type of AMAZING AGAPE LOVE should always be our “motivator” to stir our hearts and lives in order to serve Him more and more.

When I die I want the world and my family to know without a shadow of a doubt that God loved me and I love Him through Jesus Christ…And, because of that amazing Love, I don’t want to waste another second of time not walking wisely and doing God’s will for my life.

Today, let us rejoice in our time together here upon Earth to serve our LORD wisely by redeeming the time…for the evil days of man are upon us.

Remember, God Loves You!
Lin T Rollins, M.Ed. Author